Friday, March 4, 2011

Paintball M14 EBR Group Build

HipboyScott of Milsim Empire has exciting news for those of you looking for a milsim marker of epic proportions, he has begun an interest thread for a group build of M14 Mod 0, the EBR. Go to Scott's blog if you're interested, as the thread has been removed. This marker previously won Marker of the Month on Grey Ops, and I've seen it personally at Operation Craig (where the pictures below came from).

Click on pic for high resolution version

Click on pic for high resolution version

This is not a pre-order as of yet, but once enough people have said they're interested, he will begin the pre-order process.

Here are the tentative specs:

  • .68 caliber
  • Powered by TPX internals
  • Airsoft replica M14 receiver (a seriously sturdy one, if it's the one I held at Craig)
  • Fed using modificed T68/Milsig style mags
  • Possibly using 20" FLASC Breaker barrel
You'll be able to buy a tradition stocked model for (estimation) $875, and an EBR for (estimation) $1150. 

Here are some pictures taken by Scott:

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Which you have shared here about the paintball guns. Your article is very informative and useful for those who are interested interested to know more about the best mag fed paintball guns. Thank you.
